Friday, December 27, 2013

Beach Life

It's December 27th and the Christmas madness has finally subsided.  My gmail is flooded with the very tempting after-Christmas sales which I will choose to delete instead of even attempting to look at them since I have already gone over budget with Christmas shopping for the kids.  This also leads to some serious soul searching as the year comes to an end and I reflect on the many things for which I am thankful and more importantly, what I did not accomplish since the last new year's resolution.  Now it's time to plan for those dreaded new year's resolutions and find creative ways on how to stick to them, but I will save this subject for a future post once my soul searching is done.  As things wind down, you get to thinking of the cold weather outside while you cuddle up near the fireplace, drinking your Starbucks Peppermint Mocha in your warm PJ's and fuzzy socks that your Mom gave you for Christmas. My girls all got the winter jackets, beanies, and gloves for Christmas so they're ready to face the cold season.  The summer clothes are being cycled out for the long sleeve shirts, sweat suits, pants, tights, and sweaters.  Also time to dig up the family favorite soup recipes.  Since my husband and I love to cook, this is an especially fun task as we find both old and new recipes to perfect and enjoy. Winter is officially here and we're ready for it.

To our pleasant surprise, as we check what the weather will be like for the day, this is what greets us.A sunny 66 degrees with clear skies.  Our plans quickly revolve around hitting the beach with the family to enjoy the sunny weather in the middle of December right before the new year.  Suddenly the thoughts of sitting around the fireplace quickly fade. It's time to find our shorts and tank tops and head to Starbucks for a Frappuccino to cool off.  Maybe even convince my hubby to fire up the BBQ to grill up some his famous (to us and our friends) chicken and steaks.

I will admit that our beach life is good to us.  While many find themselves struggling with severely inclement weather with temperatures reaching the low 20's, we are blessed with this beautiful weather in Huntington Beach. I'm happy to put away the fuzzy socks until it is our turn for the rainy, cold season.  In the meantime, we are drenching ourselves in sunblock and hitting the outdoors.

 Image courtesy of Image courtesy of

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